Schonenberg HOA
Establishment And Objective
The Schonenberg Home Owners’ Association (SHOA) was established for the benefit of all owners of land units and sectional title units arising from the subdivision of Erf 15925, Somerset West, situated in the City of Cape Town, in the Western Cape Province.
There is only one overall association for the estate, which is governed by the Constitution (2016)
The main objective of the association is to promote, advance and protect the common interests of its members concerning their ownership, use and enjoyment of the erven and the Common Property comprising the estate
Its functions include:
- to maintain community-living standards so that its members derive the maximum collective benefit;
- to preserve the aesthetic criteria, including the basic architectural style in the estate; to maintain the Common Property for the mutual benefit of its members; and
- to monitor and enforce compliance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Architectural Design Guidelines and the Conduct Rules
The SHOA shall not be for profit, but the benefit of its members
Upon registration of ownership of an erf or a unit in the estate, the owner automatically becomes a member of the association. The homeowner is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Constitution, the Architectural Design Guidelines and the Conduct Rules. No person may cease to be a member while remaining a registered owner. Membership is only transferred to a new member by registration of a Deed of Transfer at the Deeds Registry in Cape Town.
Monthly Levies

the landscaping of the environment the estate roads and the services thereon the security systems and for payments of expenses in connection with the management of SHOA and the Common Property.
The amount of the annual levy is determined and approved by the trustee committee.
Trustee Committee
The trustee committee, which consists of at least six (6) but not exceeding eight (8) persons, is appointed by the SHOA.
The members elect the persons to constitute the trustee committee annually. The control, management and administration of the HOA are vested in the trustee committee. The trustees may, on behalf of the association, exercise all such powers of the association and do all such acts in the discharge of their duties or the fulfilment of their obligations.
A trustee committee member holds office until the second succeeding Annual General Meeting (AGM) and is eligible for re-election, if nominated, provided that she or he may not serve for more than four (4) consecutive years.